Mid May

I have not written much recently. The relentless amount of work and the growing antipathy towards the ‘net’ have made me reticent to share online.

This past week I took some snaps on my camera phone and spent some time in Salamanca – a very beautiful city in western Spain.

These are some of my photos. in Salamanca and in Scotland. No write up yet.


New cathedral Salamanca
Iglesia de la clericía
Public library, Salamanca
La Iglesia, Concha, Salamanca
La Iglesia, Salamanca
Old Cathedral. Salamanca
Casa Lis, Salamanca
Sol, Madrid – 15 May (San Isidro)
Plaza de la Libertad, Salamanca
Old Cathedral, Salamanca


Small tree, soon to be bulldosed

Badger de la meseta